
Sunday, December 30, 2012

To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funnybone

My disclaimer before reading on: 
Yes, I share my private thoughts and my life experiences in this blog along with my travels, work, furniture, exciting and not so exciting news.  Along with Family and friends and our gatherings.  There are a few profanity words in here.  As I normally do not type that, but I just rolled with whatever came out tonight.  I share all these things because God has given me the ability to type and think and write (minus poor vocab and grammar.  sorry English teachers) Of which for all that I have professional editors that do an excellent job on that before I publish a story in a magazine.  Anyways, as I was saying.  He gave me a gift to share things like this for a reason.  The reason that I THINK it is, is that it helps others in similar situations. 

I normally don't care to share this with the world.  Yes I know I post a lot more crap on here than furniture sometimes.  But I thought I would share with you how GOD sends me powerful messages.  And When I say powerful, I mean it.  While in church aka the shower.  I was washing my hair and that usually takes forever cuz it's long, thick, and curly.  With that said.  I get plenty of time to pray, and think, cry, or whatever I need to do in a calm environment without interruption. 

For a little over 10 years I have been dealing with heart ache over something that I should have had patients for years back.  I was not, so now I suffer the consequences on a daily, sometimes hourly minute by minute basis.  I will not share the exact situation because although I broadcast to the world my LIFE, I do like to keep some things private. Hard to believe I KNOW!!!

I pray about this "situation" constantly.  And when I say constantly.  It's not just a day I'm having that I'm sad or hurting.  It's even when I'm happy, when I'm working, etc. He has graciously given me the ability to be happy in my current situation and life.  Of which I am of course.  It's just this ONE darn thing I can not get past!!  I've moved on in my life from being angry at people, resentment, non forgiving attitude, and just plain not understanding why GOD makes my life chaotic and stressful, down to the people I live with and am surrounded by in my community.   I no longer ask him why he put me in a business, yet alone START a business as a business owner with NO MONEY or loans and grants When I have a great degree to work at a desk in corporate America.  But to start a business from scratch, no overhead, and no debt, but with a shitload of worry, anxiety, hard times, months without income, broke down trucks and trailers.  I realized in the last 6 months that I spent most of my early 20's in good debt and bad debt. Along with raising a child on my own as a single mother, with a mortgage, car payment, corporate job, a yard to mow weekly, laundry and all that real life junk. That I have this business with NO overhead or loans to pay, because He no longer wants me to waste my life paying back all that mess!  I've already spent enough time doing that.  He's fixing to give me a break through in this restoration business because I've been pretty slow.  As he has already given me amazing signs and opportunities.  but I keep believing and knowing my day is coming.  And that comes with Little support and encouragment from family and friends.  As he has already given me amazing signs and opportunities. 

For instance.  Some time last year about this time I recall praying hard to God and asking him if he would lead me the way to success and good people.  Around Spring I set up at two shows.  One being the huge Texas Antique Week in Warrenton, TX, the next being the Junk Salvation show in Austin, Texas.  Two shows, back to back along with weeks away from home and staying in sleazy and disgusting hotels because I couldn't afford the fancy ones.  Both shows I was stranded on the side of the road for hours.  One time the radiator blew up, the next time the water pump went out.  But I remember both those times when everyone told me to pack up, take my losses, and get my ass home.  I refused because I knew there was a reason for me to be at these places. And I refused with a GOOD attitude and a smile and a few beers.  ha ha!
One year later, I was shocked and surprised to find this in a magazine while waiting to check out at the Dollar store in Small town America Texas.

In case you are wondering what the heck I am talking about.  The first picture shows my junk, my Shabby Junque Couture booth at the Junk Salvation show in Austin Texas.  ON my way to that show, my SUV broke down.  that's when the water pump blew.  I was stranded in the heat on the side of the road for over 4 hours until a truck came and towed my broken one away.  A family member saved the day by letting me borrow his truck to pull my trailer.  Yes, they published a photo in the Best of Fleas section in the Spring 2013 issue.  OMG!  Talk about my bells and whistles whistling!  Last year I Pinned a photo of Romantic Country magazine on my Pin board at "some days my dream will come true"  Well what the heck do ya know?  One whole year later, Here is my hard work paying off in a major USA magazine that I've been gawking at for YEARS!  I've always looked into this magazine and thought to myself (because if I said it out loud everyone would just roll their eyes and laugh at me) "I'm going to BE in this magazine one day!!"  God is good!
Me and the magazine my Junk is in!
And just if that wasn't exciting ENOUGH!!!  this came just one month after I published my first Article in American Livestock Magazine that was titled "lust for rust, junk, and romantic lace." 
You can see my ad and read the article in these two links: 
Ok so those are some serious signs and a calling.  so as slow as it has been, that was all just enough to get my booty back in Gear.  So this past week I spent time writing a business plan for 2013 along with filling out and mailing Junk show applications across the state.  so that is behind me and I've got a good pile of junk to work on for the next month or so.  All to gear up for the big Spring Texas Antique week in Warrenton, Texas March 29 - April 6th 2013.  More details along with my Spring flyer will be published to this blog and to as I settle and make everything official as far as location, location, location. 
So back to what I started talking way, way above up there.  I just wanted to show you an example of the signs and how amazing God works by using my magazine stuff as an example.  so as I was saying.  I have been dealing with a heart ache for about 10 years now.  I pray constantly for God to show me the way to move away from this heart ache.  Every time I pray this, some kinda crazy stuff happens, I get tweets and comments along with Facebook status updates that really puts things in perspective.  I don't know.  I really want to take a leap of Faith with this "situation" but as much as I rebel and take leaps of Faith....I feel really stuck right where I'm at.  I already know that once I take a Leap of Faith with this thing, that my heart ache will start to heal.  Even if it doesn't work out.    Only because I know that means I'm taking my chance to deal with it.  As mentioned about praying in the shower.  I had just prayed to the Man upstairs about helping me get past this, and to give me a sign so that I know which way I need to go!!!  Let me show you what happened NEXT!
got in bed and as always I checked emails, orders, the rude comments people leave, my hate mail too.  cuz I get a lot of that.  Not sure why as I'm pretty kind and nice to everyone and I like to enjoy my life along with others.  but haters are gunna hate whether your poor, rich, happy, or not happy.  so I'm just moving along and I don't let it get to me anymore.
I checked my Twitter account and here are the messages that popped up one by one each in a row one right after the other.
From @Positively Positive "Cause change and lead; accept change and survive; resist change and die. - Ray Norda"
From @joycemeyer "God has a more awesome plan for your life than you could ever imagine simply because He loves you!"
From @Positively Positive "Writing yourself a Love Letter."
From @positively Positive "courage is the power to let go of the familiar. - Raymond Lindquist"
FRom @etsy "there's something fishy going on here, but I'm cool with it."
From @joelosteen "God has brought you too far to leave you where you are.  He has something great in your future."
From @positively Positive "to succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funnybone." -Reba McEntire
From @positively positive "rather than a "bucket list," How About "my crazy Bliss adventures list"
I guess what I'm trying to share with you and show you...that there are some serious strong signals here.  He's dealing with me for sure..and he knows it's time I took care of it.  but First Mommy and wifey duty have to be number one.  But that day is coming and this for sure is a sign to DO it!  the hardest part is being torn from loving the Mommy job, but yet wanting to take that leap of Faith!  So until he shows me a sign of how I can DO IT as a mother....I must stay put where I am for now!
Hope everyone enjoyed their Holidays?  We were all sick here, so I didn't get a Christmas gathering until last night.  I've spent the last week and a half at urgent care centers and the pediatrician office.   And seeing I will be home playing with the kids tomorrow night while the rest of America goes out to celebrate...I made it a memorable one.  Here are a few photos from last night's get together.
The two people you see in this photo with me are my good life long friends.  the dude on your right flew in from Charlotte, NC where he works as an Engineer to visit his family in town and me of course.  Classmates from kindergarten thru high school and college. All earning the same degree in the same civil engineering profession. And still the closest of friends! That's fantastic!!

This hot little Salsa Momma has become my closest most cherished friend.  She also cleans my house. Her husband is in the picture above this one to your left.
and below, she was being silly behind my back!
I'm itching to wear my gorgeous red dress somewhere.  But that looks like it won't happen this Winter as the Man of the house and I NEVER go out on the town. Even with my birthday being 2 weeks away.  So either someone else will have to take me out, or I'm going to wear that long sleeve thing with my BIG GIRL azz Kickin' boots to Antique week sweating my rear off and let everyone else EAT their heart out!  But pretty sure it's going to roll more like this: On a bored cold day, fix hair, put red lips on, slap that little red dress on and get my 4 year old to photograph me with my iphone. yeah pretty sure how it's going to go down. 
Thank you for visiting!!!  Hope it did some inspiring for whoever needed it!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Surprise! RAndom Acts of KiNdNess situations here!

Because we are still alive.  As my good friend posted on her Facebook status "Jesus Christ: 1 Mayans: 0"  I somehow felt compelled to right this quick little story about my day.
I started off with an early rise from my fluffy and comfy bed.  Excited that I actually had energy to wake up this morning. (not a morning person), I began a routine of getting fancy.  I did my hair and make up and my daily Bible study.  After all that I realized time was just getting away from me.  With the "man of the house" yelling at me as I was trying to scoot my 4 year old son and I out the door.  I kept it in the back of my mind that I was not going to get angry or let that ruin my day!  After all, it's a few days before Christmas and it finally got cold here! Well at least for a day or so, then back into the 80's I'm sure we will go. So Onward I went into the City.  And it went a little something like this:
 Three Random Acts of Kindness I did today out of no where and expected nothing from doing so. As well as completely catching me by Surprise!
 First: while at an intersection a beautiful lady was running in the cold, windy air from car to car asking for donations to her ministry. She mentioned that she has a wonderful testimony. When she cane to my car. I already had the window rolled down and was smiling at her as she approached! I put some money in her bucket. Before i did so she told me how contagious my smile was!! I really wanted to hear her testimony. The light turned green. I was actually sad to leave this gorgeous woman! I might try and find her tomorrow and get her phone number even. Id like to buy this lady some hot chocolate!!   For the record, I don't always give to these peddlers, but for some odd reason something said I should. 
Second: I was starving and already at my hypoglycemia stage. Plus I had way too many caffeinated drinks this morning since I began this week, cutting the juice off at 1pm daily. I guess I feel the need to binge it before that cut off time comes?  So I headed to Chili's.  A tall man. Not super modelish, but probley some good marriage material as he was pretty striking in his own way. He sat me at my booth. Table for one please. I ordered a drink. He asked if i was ok because of how bad i was shaking and unfocused. I laughed and smiled. I told him i would like to order a beer cuz i had way too much caffeine in the a.m. and needed to calm down.   He chuckled and said "of course". I ordered a sandwich and a water. He never bothered me after that and i knew when he was scoping my glass from time to time to see if i needed a refill. I like it when the server does not bother me.  There is a reason I eat alone.  When you live in a house where everyone tries to talk over one another to get "MOM's" attention.  That lunch all alone is like a vacation on a hammock in Caribbean.  However, he checked on me once to see if I needed anything else towards the end of my meal.  He promptly brought me my ticket when I asked for it as well.  I left a decent tip on the merchant copy with my cc.  I went off to the restroom and was ready to finish my day.  My walk from the Ladies room to the front door of the Chili's turned into a quick, small, yet happy testimony.  I opened the door to leave..then all the sudden, turned around and walked back in.  I didn't see my waiter anywhere. so I asked the other server if she could fetch the fellow for me.  When he came out from the kitchen he looked at me like he was scared.  I then handed him some extra money and told him it was "something extra" and to  have a very Merry Christmas.  And weirdness as I never like people to hug me or touch me.  We hugged!  But it was a friendly gesture and it didn't feel awkward.  At that point I realized my fine fellow of a server wasn't interested in women at all..But things like that don't bother me!  Which made it even better.  It felt so good to hand him that extra cash out of my wallet.  It left my wallet empty.  But it just didn't bother me.  I was probley going to use it on something I didn't need anyways. 
Third:  If you are like me, you like to get your shopping done as quickly as possible.  I don't fool around when it comes to shopping because I can't stand it believe it or not. I realize my sense of fashion may otherwise fool you.  You know seeing they have so many different brands of scrubs and yoga pants. And my extremely ripped up Good Will buy Tees are the newest thing to hit the runways.  Me having a pretty easy going family when it comes to gifts at Christmas.  I normally can knock all that stuff out at 2 places!  Academy and Target!  Woot! It was a crazy windy day here.  I parked and got out of my SUV and was walking towards the entrance of the store.  When out came this lovely lady.  I don't know?  She was intriguing.  I thought to myself "wow she is so beautiful and I love her cute short haircut".  Instead of thinking it, as she and I passed one another.  I just blurted out like a dork "I LOVE Your Hair"!  and not expecting a response she said "THANKS, I LOVE YOURS TOO".  Well heck yeah that put a little skip in my giddy up!  That was so nice of her to exchange the friendly gesture.  You know how us women tend to stare one another down as we walk by one another.  I always wonder what someone that does that to me is thinking?  Is she thinking how disgusting I look or how cute my outfit is?  For Gosh sakes, if you like the ladie's outfit, just tell her.  Don't stare at her like a dog waiting for a bone or evil temptress ready to pounce! Just be kind and say it!
What a great and lovely day it was giving to all these wonderful people today.  too many negative things going on to dwell with.  It's not that I stick my head in the mud and hide from the bad and negativity of the world or people.  I just choose to focus on the good things and move forward.  you only get one life and you never know when the good Lord is going to call you home.  So make the best of it!
Twitter @shabbyjunque

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

If you found $30,000 what would you do?

So it was a normal morning today.  Except I finally broke down and purchased a new SUV last night.  Which then lead to a long drive home and a great conversation with my 12 year old daughter.  We recapped on on our events and time in St. Louis at the Women's Conference.  She is so adorable!
On the way to school, we normally have it on Country or something like that.  Which usually consists of a lot of talking of nonsense.  My daughter switched it to K-LOVE and we got to listening.  After I dropped her off.  I headed to my son's pre-school to drop him off as usual.  Still on K-LOVE.  And Mandisa's song "Good Morning" came on!  yes, we were jammin' in the car!
After I dropped him off I headed to get my daily dose of caffeine.  And On the way a little story came on about this homeless man that found $30,000 while dumpster diving for magazines to turn into art.  which all of us in the junkin' business get a thrill out of dumpster diving for junk and know exactly what this man was doing.  Sure he could be homeless and acting pittiful on the side of the road peddling.  But what was he doing?  He was working.  He was doing what he had to do.  goes with the whole saying "do your best, and God will do the rest" act. 
I find it incredible that this man was looking for magazines to turn into art to sell.  He found a book and this book in the dumpster contained something that any homeless would run off with.  But read this story.  Find out what the man is doing with this money.  AMAZING!
Practice random act of kindness today!  God will Bless you.  Maybe not in the same day, but he will!!
Twitter @shabbyjunque

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Using Vaseline in a kinky way. On Furniture

I'm not one to spend hours online researching new techniques.  I realize Pinterest is so common these days.  I still however do not get much information on there.  Other than the fact that it is FREE and I can look on there instead of having to buy a $5 magazine.  I enjoy trying the recipes off there and hair ideas, clothing etc.  Probley because none of those 3 things are my expertise. 
I get asked the question all the time "what technique did you use?"  Well seeing I didn't fund the school of arts.  I can honestly say I have no idea other than I "WING" it.  I never know what I'm going to do until I just start painting something.  Then it just comes naturally to me.  I can always tell when I'm having an off day because I will hate what I complete.  Therefore I set it aside and go back in a few days. Chances are after I left it alone in hiding for a few days I tend to LOVE it once I get back to it.
95% of my work involves distressing furniture.  It's what my clients and customers request.  I can't really define my style as I like to be versatile.  I think that comes with being the hopeless romantic that I am and then marrying a man that is all BOY.  He could care less about what shade is what and what comforter is put on the bed.  He's rustic and rough and I'm soft and sensual. 
I've been hearing a lot of talk about this Vaseline and wax stuff.  I have no clue what any of that is other than Vaseline can be a dirty word or if you were raised in the 60's or so, you used it to take off your eye make up.  Of which my Momma taught me that, so that is how I use Vaseline. 
But curiosity doesn't always kill the cat.  And I like stepping out on the plank every now and then and seeing what bites me.  so I grabbed a little jar of Vaseline. 
Aside it being slippery and messy.  I started with a good set of bones to work with.  I found this table while I took my day trip to Warrenton, Texas and purchased it from my good friends on the side of the road at Diamond in the Rough there in Rutersville.  Y'all know this place as it's where I've set up and sold my junk last Spring Antique Week.
Good set up bones.  Just had to wash all the bird poop off and the 90 years of dirt and dust.
Normally when I am out to distress I do not do any sanding of the item.  It makes it easy to peel the paint off and show the original color of the item.
I took the Vaseline and used my fingers to goop it up.  Then I just started slathering it onto the item where I think it would look cool to show the original color of the table.  Along the legs, edges, corners, and few spots on top.  It's pretty messy and oily. 
I grabbed the next color I wanted to apply to the table. Which was a green like color.  I would tell you the color but all the labels get rubbed off somehow.  I will assure you that it is NOT ASCP or CC caldwell as I am broke and I do not use those paints yet. I tend to use interior flat paint of any brand.
I painted that layer of paint over the entire table.  Then I came back and topped it off with my final color.  A yellowish something.  After the paint dried, I took a rag and whiped it down.  I had to use a little elbow grease in some spots.  Where ever there was Vaseline, the paint peeled right off exposing the original table color.  Gorgeous! 
After that I was in love and found how much easier that was than all the sanding, chipping, hammering, and such I normally do to distress.
After all that.  I let it dry a little more.  then I went back over it with MinWax Dark walnut stain.  It brought out the natural wood more and gave it an older more vintage look than just having a fresh coat of paint on there.
The final product turned out amazing and I am pleased with my NEW Vaseline technique!!
Crystal Wiatrek @ shabby Junque Couture
Twitter @shabbyjunque

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Strange magnetic energy....

As most know I spent this past weekend in St. Louis, MO at the Joyce Meyer Women's conference.  I saw more miracles happen in the seats in front of me, than in my entire life!  My Mother and I took my daughter with us.  She didn't handle things too well the first day, but got into it Friday afternoon.  She came home a much happier and different person.  Even served several volleyball serves in a row and lead the team to win with the winning point the next day!!
Here are a few photos.  The one at the Arch is of my daughter.  she didn't realize I was secretly photographing her.  Then I decided to take one of my favorite quotes from the conference and make an inspiring photo out of it.
While attending the conference Joyce's team was allowing attendees to tweet on their twitter account using hashtag #WC12.  I spent the weekend posting our photos and experiences to the account.  I'm honestly not a twitter fan, but it was fun and much faster than trying to use FB.  Somehow I read a tweet asking prayers for BO.  So I responded with I will send prayers for BO even though I don't even know him.  I thought it was a man that needed some healing?  Well after the hustle and bustle, I went back through my tweets and started to see who this BO was.  After all, I couldn't get him off my mind.  To much of my surprise I discovered it's a handsome little boy fighting cancer.  So of course that touched my heart and yes I cried.  Because I'm emotional when it comes to kids.  Everyone that is a parent knows that your pain is usually multiplied by 2 million when your child is sick, or hurting.
Not being able to get this kiddo off my mind.  I prayed for him non stop on the flight home.  And I think about him everyday as if he was my own child.  Even worried.  You ask why this kiddo and not some that are suffering with the same thing closer to home.  Well, I'd answer that but I just don't know.  But have decided that it's God's will to keep me close to BO and his parents.  It is strange and wierd as this has never happened to me before.  At the conference Joyce mentioned that if we could adopt children and put them in good homes, or atleast Foster them until they can get into a nice family.  I thought to myself that I wish I could do that.  I have two children of my own and I spend 90% of my time as a single parent just because of my husband's job and him having to work hard for us.  So I know I would not be a very good parent if I adopted another child.  both of my children are my biological kids.  I have hesitated on going with Hand of Hope to other countries to help feed and care for kids that are in need.  The reason is because I don't feel I could emotionally handle it.  I would want to save all of them and bring them home.  I know my emotions would get in the way of handling my job assigned properly. 
So I kinda figured this whole "BO" situation was a sign from God that I should adopt him.  No not physically as he has incredible parents.  I mean with trying to find a way to help these folks that I only know from Twitter and now FB.  I'm not sure why God has him on my mind so much.  Not sure the plan, and that's ok, so I'm just going with it.  You never know.  It could be my prayer that pulls things together for them?  I don't know and by all means please continue to pray for BO and strength for his parents. 
Anyways.  I know I normally post silly stuff and such...but I've got plans for this little dude.  And I know praying for him is going to heal him.  Please click on the link and help donate.  Even if it's $1.  It does count.  Or if you can not financially donate, please pray for them and post encouraging words on his page or contact his parents to do so. 
Remember God is great and no matter what is going on in life, there is a great plan for you and YOU ARE GOD's MASTERPIECE!
Texas Antique week is happening!  So look out for posts and updates about all my adventures there!
on Twitter @shabbyjunque

Friday, August 10, 2012

Talking all that TRASH with Junknista!

I was approached by Junknista out of Louisianna to do an interview.  I felt so honored.  And Important!  It's amazing how you never really realize how you impact or inspire people until out of no where, you get a call or email. 

Junknista asked me a few great questions.  I answered them.  I seemed to have rambled on a bit.  But I guess that is because I have so many stories to share.  I had a really great childhood.  And Adult life isn't so bad either. 

here is the link to the website.  You can read the entire interview here

this past week's projects consisted of a few chandeliers, a night stand, desk, chalkboard, table, dresser, a tall boy chest of drawers, some beach house furniture, and I'm still working on the organization of my work space that is coming along VERY WELL considering I am working in the heat hours out of the day.

Both chandeliers SOLD the same day I posted them on Facebook.

After I saved it with the GRACE of white paint, I then distressed it with some Martha Stewart Glaze and added some Crystals to it.  This small one SOLD for $100 to a customer in California.

Same technique for this BRASSy big one!  The power of white paint!  This monster sold for $225 to a local customer that will be installing it into her daughter's bedroom.

I made a few changes to my barn and it's slowly coming together as mentioned above.  here are a few pics of the somewhat finished space.

This is the BEFORE shop.  What an amazing work bench that just looks BLAH!  No fear Shabby Junque to the rescue. (looks so manly like it belongs in a Man cave)

So I went to Walmart (sigh) and purchased two khaki, twin size, flat sheets that cost $4.50 each. A curtain rod that was $17 and some cafe rod hooks that were $3.50 for a set of 14.  I added pink paint to the top of the unit (my favorite color), some baskets I found at Marshalls to organize my tulle, ribbons, glue, and some tools.  The rod holding all my ribbon above the unit was an old curtain rod I had out of my house.  I tied it with satin ribbon to make pretty little bows. I love vintage doors, so of course I used that, then some extra lamps I had laying around for extra lighting. sorry for my chair in the way, but I was sitting in it.  I will have another blog and better photograph once I complete everything.  The chandelier shown below is my pride and joy and is not for sale.

Last up this week was a BEFORE/AFTER project.  You can see below the changes that were made.  Everyone asks my technique, but honestly I can not answer that because I didn't realize I have a technique as I pick up my paint brush and just go with whatever happens.  I did add the cream colored frilly scrolls for fun.  This night stand now belongs to a customer and was placed in her daughter's room.


I sold those antlers on top there too.  You can find them in my ETsy shop.  The customer who purchased them, chose a metallic brown paint and I added glitter on them.  That pic will come in a later blog.  check out the AFTER of this stand.


WOWZA!!! I strive for LUSCIOUS!

And last but not the last except for this blog...are the tshirts, custom designed and MADE IN TEXAS USA!
These tshirts below you can purchase on my Etsy shop as well or email me at  Limited quanitities for the time being.

If you are a store or shop and wish to have your own tshirt design please contact my Sista friend Leigh at her Facebook sight .  Ask her about her website where you can buy individual tees online.  She specializes in custom orders and designs her own designs and does her own artwork too!  Out of her garage/studio.  Tell her Crystal At Shabby Junque Couture sent ya!  Gotta love Texas Women that know how to make do with what they got!  No overhead!  Woot!  " I don't gotta dime, but what I got is mine!"

Saturday, July 21, 2012

It doesn't matter how long we have on Earth, it's up to us how we want to impact the people while we ARE here on Earth

With the situation that has happened yesterday in Aurora, Colorado, I want to send my prayers out to anyone that reads this, all my prayers. Even if you are not related to the victims or the suspect, or were a part of this tragic might still be affected.

I don't think I have ever been this impacted by a horrific tragedy since 9/11? Which doesn’t mean a million other tragedies didn’t affect me. I will be honest; I have had moments of anger, and moments of crying over this situation. I'm not sure why it is hurting me so bad...but one thing I do know is that my heart is so into it because even though some of the victims lost their lives...they still continue to work their peace in other hearts that are still alive.

I don't know any of these victims. But I do know that they were people. And they each had a purpose on this Earth. As we all do. It's important for us to make sure that we live our lives. Yes, things make us angry, people hurt us, and we suffer from the loss of jobs, death, the lack of feeling loved or wanted. Maybe some of you are struggling with your purpose in life? But that doesn't make us or you any less of a wonderful person than someone that has a load of money, huge family, big house, nice car, etc.

I live a pretty medium, middle class life. I don't have a lot of fancy things. But I do have my healthy children, a hard working husband, a roof over our heads, a yard to tend to...two legs, and lots of talent...and a heart to give and keep giving by anyway that I can offer a hand to someone in need. I do also know that although both of my children are Night and Day. Each one has a special talent that I see. Each talent in them is different. I encourage both each day to use that talent to benefit their lives. I could go on about my degrees behind my name and what school or trade schools I've been to. The big National Company I worked for, that I played a somewhat important roll in. But I'd rather talk about the small things in my life that are my BIG things.

Even if you are not married, and you are hurting because you want to be, sometimes the married ones are looking to get out. Or God has not given you a child yet? Maybe he doesn't gift you with that child because He knows you would be a GREAT Mother or Father to a child that needs to be adopted (baby, child, or teen). Or a caregiver to an adult that needs help? Heck, maybe he just wants you to adopt a couple of dogs and a cat because they need saving???

My point is to stop wanting and complaining about what you don't have. Appreciate the exact thing and moment you are having right at this time. What if you spent all day complaining about how upset you are because that lady ahead of you at the grocery store spent 10 extra minutes counting her coupons when you had one item and were in a hurry...but you are still talking about it today because it made you mad? Then you get in your car, and a drunk driver hits you out of nowhere and you are dead. Honestly, what's the last impact you left on Earth then? The fact that you spent your last hours complaining instead of smiling and laughing? Who wants to be remembered like that???

True story:

At a conference there was woman that was checking out with the cashier in the Book store/ gift shop. She heard a little boy asking the Mom and Dad that was both wheelchair bound, if he could get a t-shirt that said a GREAT name on it. When the parent's said NO in a nice way, the little boy said "okay", but had his head down. The woman paying the cashier witnesses the parent's sad face when they had to tell the little boy he couldn't get the shirt. She also realizes how the little boy respected his parents. The Father even went on to say "maybe tomorrow we can get it". They never made a scene, or were loud to make someone see it. Apparently the woman witnessing the situation just has good ears. She asked the cashier how much the shirts were. $10, so the woman paid the cashier for the shirt....then went to the kiddo in front of his parents....and had him pick the shirt out that he wanted. The little boy was so happy. And the parents cried and hugged the Woman that did such an act.

Point of the story:
do something amazing no matter what. You never know who witnesses what you do, and how they might turn around and do the exact same thing...then the love and kindness keeps getting spread around.

Anyways, I realize I get very passionate with my writing even if my grammar and my context are off...or my punctuation is wrong. But I'm not an English Teacher; I'm an Artist that works with her heart, hands, and soul. Which is the most powerful thing to set this life on Fire? Your paper behind your name could be burned with one match...but it's going to take a crap load of gasoline, jet fuel, and matches to burn my soul up! (And nothing against all the smarty pants with the paper. If you have that talent, use it. We need you too.)

Some of you have maybe read up on this...but one of the Victims in the Colorado shooting was from San Antonio. I don't know her, but she is very inspiring. Now that she is in Heaven. We as humans need to realize what impact she made on this life in her lifetime. You might just think that she was a young adult pursuing a career. BUT, if you read one of her last blogs, you will realize that although she left our Earth in a very tragic way, you will see that her life and legacy is not over yet.

Please read below the statement I copied from
( ).

MY Words:

This Woman most definitely studied the word of God in Some way....and although I have never had a life and death situation other than a scary illness. I totally GET her point and continue to live my life the way she wanted us to live it. Read her words that I have highlighted in BOLD and realize what she is saying. Make TODAY the DAY you start Living no matter what!
 If you are in a wheelchair, use it to your advantage...put some kiddo on your lap and give them a ride! You both will be smiling! If you lost your arms, use your toes! If you have no hair, go to a wig shop and have fun trying all those hairstyles on...and if you can't afford the wig, do something fun that makes you some extra cash....and go buy it one day! I don't have any money....but that doesn't stop me from making what little I do make...and putting most of it away for my children and their future.
 Most important....SMILE! LOVE to all of you fabulous people that continue to encourage me and feed my heart with all this desire to paint and write and share photos with!
The statement from online:
“A blogger and aspiring sports reporter who recently wrote of surviving a Toronto shooting was also among those killed, the woman's brother said.
The death of Jessica Ghawi, who was also known as Jessica Redfield, was a "complete and utter shock," said her brother, Jordan Ghawi.
He has been using his blog and Twitter account to update what he knew about his sister's condition. He also appeared on the NBC "Today" show.
Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said Friday evening that 10 victims died at the theater and two others later died from their injuries.
Jordan Ghawi said on his website that a man who was with his sister at the theater described the chaos, saying he and Jessica Ghawi dropped to take cover when the gunman first started shooting. Jessica Ghawi was shot in the leg, her brother wrote, describing details relayed to him by a man identified on the blog only as a mutual friend named Brent.
Jessica Ghawi began screaming when she was shot, and the friend tried to calm her and stop the bleeding, according to Jordan Ghawi.
The man was then shot, but he continued attending to Jessica Ghawi's wound before he realized she had stopped screaming, Jordan Ghawi stated. The man said Jessica Ghawi had been shot in the head.
Jordan Ghawi said the friend escaped the theater after being shot twice, and he was expected to survive. Jordan Ghawi praised the man, saying his "actions are nothing but heroic."
Jessica Ghawi, 24, moved to Denver from Texas about a year ago and friends and colleagues described her as outgoing, smart and witty.
Ghawi blogged at length about surviving the Eaton Centre mall shooting in Toronto that killed two people and sent several others to the hospital. Peter Burns, a radio sports show host with Mile High Sports Radio in Denver, and his girlfriend, Lauren Anuskewicz, both said the blog reflected everything she told them.
Jessica Ghawi wrote of the Toronto shooting: "I was shown how fragile life was on Saturday. I saw the terror on bystanders' faces. I saw the victims of a senseless crime. I saw lives change. I was reminded that we don't know when or where our time on Earth will end. When or where we will breathe our last breath."

Yet, Burns said, Jessica Ghawi seemed more enlivened than intimidated by surviving that shooting.

"After the Toronto incident, I think she even looked at that like, 'Hey, even after that, I'm able to pursue my dream,'" he said.
Jessica Ghawi
Burns said he was close to her family. He moved to Denver from Texas a few years ago and talked with Jessica Ghawi about establishing a sports radio career there, he said.
Former colleague Mike Taylor, a sports host at KTKR-AM in San Antonio described how she reluctantly changed her name for her career, taking the name "Redfield" as a play on her red hair because it was easier to say than her given name.
Jessica Ghawi was a prolific social media user under the new name. Her last tweet stated in all capital letters, "movie doesn't start for 20 minutes.”
Reference: ” (

Here is a picture of the Woman at the conference that purchased that tee for the little boy. The shirt was a Christian tshirt from the Christan Book store/gift shop. This child is our future

Friday, July 20, 2012

All that Salvaged GLORY and my lust for RUST

Greetings from Mrs. Shabby Junque!  I'm reporting to you while sitting in 120 deg TX weather.  Where you can't breath cuz it's ThAt humid!!!

One of my most favorite things to buy and junk for is SALVAGED architecture and rust is a must!  so I put some of my favorite pieces together and have decided to pass onto some NEW peeps!!

So over there at the famous and almost as fabulous as me...ETSY, you can purchase these big ole beauties!   They are just so gorgeous.  I had so many, but had to keep SIX for myself and my own home...and I'm going to cut a few of them to make candle holders.  Woot, Woot!

You can visit my Etsy shop here:

My little helper here, he also loves this architecture stuff too!  He is such an amazing help!

 From, they sure do know how to upcycle those spindles right?
And over there at they sure like to show off these re-purposed spindles as tables!

And since I LUST for RUST so much...I captured this photo while visiting a famous Shell shop at our Texas Coast.

I had a bunch of stuff collecting dust.  Some of it broken...and my vintage chippy old mirror in the back there...was for sale for over a year and no one snagged it (suckers) I snagged it and kept it for myself and added it to my master bedroom decor.  The cherub thingy was a salvaged piece that once belonged to something??  I think a lamp maybe...I found it at a vendor in Warrenton, way back in one of those fields...I purchased TWO!  Then that cement thing a ma jig...was a fancy candle holder...actually I could still sand it down and put a plate on it to make it a repurposed candle holder..but I might just decide to do that another day and then blog about it.  Since it broke (thanks to the toddler), it is now in TWO pieces.  SOOOOOOOOO, with that said, I'm using the other piece as a book end in my personal library, that is in my bedroom as well.  The rest of the stuff all comes from the flea market.  I guess it's that whole from Flea to FAB!  Fun stuff!!

AND, yes, I said AND one more time....enjoy all these other photos of some amazing things that I just love and get so inspired by. I took a bunch of these photos below on our family vacation in Rockport, Texas! 

This next photo you are about to see shows my kids not wearing seatbelts.   just so people don't freak out..cuz so many people take my text out of context on purpose, my daughter and her friend were not wearing seatbelts because we were on the Ferry going to the island and they got out to look at the dolphins.  So I don't need your lawyer calling me or sending me papers suggesting I was guilty of child endangerment!  (yes, that is what our world has come to)

God Bless AMERICA and TEXAS!!
You can order one of these fancy buntings from me too!  They are $35 each and made to order, so you can customize your ribbon color on the ends.

Until next time LOVERS!  XOXO